The Haunted Look

Husna Goomy
1 min readAug 30, 2022

Is it pain, loneliness, or what?

Photo by Žygimantas Dukauskas on Unsplash

I saw her every day I took a walk near the harbor,

She had a haunted look on her face,

Her smile never reached her eyes,

I know she must be in pain,

What kind of pain? I couldn't be so rude as to ask.

This stranger that walked past me every day,

She passed by me with a smile,

She left me with questions I longed to have answers for,

I was surprised to get the answer in my mirror,

The answer was in my own face,

The sad haunted look was easily visible,

When you live away from family and loved ones,

When you work so hard and face criticism,

When you feel so lost and without a purpose,

When you wonder if you will make it out of a rat hole,

When you keep running the rat race,

When your time belongs to someone else,

When you are overworked and underpaid,

When you just long to go home but home is not where you go,

Then that's when you have a haunted look,

When you search for help and finally know,

No one is coming to help you but you.

