I am Grateful for my Co-worker

She is like a pillar to me

Husna Goomy


Photo by John Arano on Unsplash

I am thankful and grateful for my co-worker Jisca, she joined us some three weeks after I joined this job, to say it was a job that was challenging and quite out of my comfort zone is an understatement, but I held on to it knowing I needed it, the job was for two people and I was the only person doing it, add that to the chaotic nature of the place, I wanted to quit every day I went home, but I had to force myself not to.

Then, one afternoon, I was told there was someone else to join me and I was elated, we are both Africans but from quite different parts of the continent, we clicked from the first day, she is a nice hardworking person, and she has my back and I have hers, if I am here today, then it is mainly because of her, every day I come here, I am thankful and grateful for her, I tell her that so many times but since I have this platform to share my thoughts, I felt she deserves a mention.

