I am Grateful for Fresh Air

It is a delight

Husna Goomy


Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

I am grateful for the air I breathe, I appreciate it even more after being in a windowless and smoke zone, being out of breath and uncomfortable in that room has made me appreciate fresh air in my lungs, so, any time I get a chance to step out, I take deep breaths and I become so thankful with appreciation, I swear I didn’t even know the value it has until now, the discomfort made me realize how I was never ever grateful for the air I breathed, now I understand how precious it is, so, today, from the bottom of my heart, I write this, as an appreciation for the healthy air I used to breathe and look forward to the day I will be in a place where I can freely breath healthy air.

